Empowering Adventures and Safety Tips for Women

Traveling solo as a woman can be an empowering experience that helps develop trust in oneself and one’s intuition.

Staying safe when traveling can be challenging, so here are a few tips from Kristin Addis, travel writer and founder of Be My Travel Muse, to help keep you safe during your travels.

1. Be Prepared

Solo female travel is about being prepared to deal with whatever arises along your journey, be it bad interactions with locals or your bag being stolen – regardless of how far your trip might take you. With that in mind, being mindful and flexible while remaining open-minded are essential to keeping the fun alive during your solo female adventures.

Do your research before travelling. Read personal accounts on blogs and participate in forums & Facebook groups for feedback and help.

Be sure to book a hostel rather than Airbnb or hotel when travelling abroad; they provide an ideal opportunity for meeting other travellers and making friends. Don’t leave drinks unattended; bring along a clear plastic cup so as to prevent strangers from pouring anything into it!

2. Stay Connected

Staying connected while traveling solo can be challenging. Consider joining online groups designed for solo travelers or finding tour operators offering trips exclusively designed for women travelers.

If something goes wrong during your travels, don’t let it ruin it for you – learn from your mistakes and move forward with confidence.

One of the greatest aspects of solo travel is being able to customize it according to your interests and budget, without needing approval from friends or family to be free – that’s empowering in itself! Cheryl Strayed famously says, “find your truth”; that can only happen on your own journey.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

As you venture solo into Iceland’s mountains or chase after Northern Lights on a road trip across America, remember that traveling solo can not only be safe, but empowering as well.

Do not be shy to ask for assistance when needed; locals will usually be happy to provide it. In Cairo, Egypt for instance, Pink Taxi provides women-only taxi drivers and rides. This offers female travelers safer travelling experiences.

Remember the old Yiddish saying “we plan, God laughs.” Just have some sense of humor and remain flexible – you’ll make it through! Plus you’ll have amazing stories to tell when you return home.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Directions

No matter if you are an experienced traveler or just starting out, knowing how to navigate a new destination is crucial for safe travels. This means learning the local language as well as researching potential risks or safety concerns that might arise in each location you visit.

Ly advises solo travelers not to wait for others to join them on their travels; she stresses the benefits of solo travel as both empowering and satisfying.

Her top travel destinations for female travelers include Iceland, which boasts high safety ratings; Grand Cayman where she advises swimming with the stingrays at Stingray City; and Egypt, home of Pink Taxi — an exclusive women-only taxi service.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to Locals

Travelers can benefit greatly from speaking to the locals. Locals can share their favorite spots for eating and things to do as well as tips about staying safe.

Fake wedding bands won’t stop all unwanted advances from strangers; however, they can help deter predators. Additionally, wearing one sends the message that you aren’t interested in potential partners.

Frolic & Courage blogger Antoinette Harris recommends Paris as an ideal destination for solo travelers looking for plenty of things to do and see, offering ample cuisine and cultural attractions as well as dedicated public transportation compartments just for women travelers.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Staying connected while traveling alone is often considered essential by solo travelers, particularly women traveling alone as it provides them with a way of communicating with loved ones at home and staying safe. This is especially important for female solo travelers as having access to reliable means of communication can make traveling safer overall.

According to Antoinette Harris, founder of Frolic & Courage, Paris is the ideal destination for solo women travelers to discover themselves and their needs and priorities. According to Harris, Paris offers “everything from cuisine and cultural attractions to hands-on activities for self-love.” Additionally, Paris earned top scores on both Peace Index and Global Gender Gap Report 2022 as safe places for visiting solo.

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