A Brief History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day has its roots in a U.S. holiday known as Anniversaries Party. On this day, the government declared May as the officially appointed national memorial month. Since then, it has been observed as a time to commemorate all those who have given their life to protect the United States of America. It is also an occasion to pay respects to fallen soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Armed Forces. Memorial Day is normally observed on the last Monday of the May each year.

While it might be the closing date of Memorial Day every year, there is no single event or party that characterizes this federal holiday. Memorial Day is usually observed to commemorate all the people who have died while rendering service to the US military in some way. The names of such dead soldiers are read out in a solemn manner at various ceremonies around the country. Many people from various backgrounds attend these ceremonies to pay tribute to the fallen military personnel.

Memorial Day was first observed in 1932 when it was designated as a three-day national moment of remembrance. Although the name of this observance has changed over the years, the object remains the same. On this day, the public can observe three days of silence to mourn the death of military personnel who died during their service. This is often accompanied by parades, workshops, classes and recitals, as well as other activities like sporting events and street gatherings.

There are several reasons why there is a need to observe a three-day period of remembrance on Memorial Day. Firstly, the government has the right to remind the public about fallen soldiers while recognizing those who were awarded the Purple Heart medal, or the Bronze Star with Oak leaf insignia, while also paying tribute to those who were wounded while taking part in military actions. Secondly, this period of time gives people a chance to acknowledge the sacrifice that the nation has made in the name of soldiers. Thirdly, the holiday gives a boost to the economy as a lot of money is spent in providing decorations and other material goods like ribbons, banners and other stationery.

There are many ways to celebrate the Memorial Day holiday. Many Americans choose to celebrate this national moment on what is known as third Monday in May. This is considered to be a best day to grieve for loved ones who have passed away. The best time to go for this is during mid-morning on what is known as Blue Monday where a lot of flowers, plants, trees and shrubs are seen in most places. Then on the afternoon of the Memorial Day, the government houses all national veterans records in a room known as the Heroes’ Gallery where people can pay their respects to their heroes.

In addition to Blue Monday, there are several other notable national days in America. The fourth Monday in June is known as Memorial Day where as a commemoration of the men who died in battle, the government holds a big celebration. On August third, it is known as Flag Day when Americans observe a moment of silence to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifices for the country. And finally, on the last Tuesday of the month of August, Thanksgiving Day is considered to be a special day when Americans pay tribute to the harvest and abundance of food in America by eating turkey with the family.

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